Young Musicians (ages 6-8)
Young Musicians (ages 6-8)
The Young Musicians Course is a great way for children to begin a lifetime of enjoyment of music. The three-year curriculum develops musicianship and keyboard playing skills with wonderful materials written specifically for beginners of this age.
Music Wonderland (ages 3-4)
Music Wonderland (ages 3-4)
Music Wonderland is designed to provide children with an introduction to music in a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. Together with their parents, children experience singing, introductory keyboard activities, movement, and listening to music.
Apple (ages 2-3)
Apple (ages 2-3)
Two-year-olds are filled with raw creativity and are without inhibitions, approaching everything with passion and curiosity. When given the right tools to express themselves, watch as their artistic flair takes over.
Junior Music (ages 4-5)
Junior Music (ages 4-5)
Early childhood is the ideal time to start music lessons. At this age, the ear is at its peak of sensitivity. Learning music is as natural as learning to speak. Students can begin in the Music Wonderland (age 3, 4) or Primary (age 4, 5).