Interested in enroling your child/children into one of our programs? Use the form below to request a free consultation and one of our staff will get back to you shortly. Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 🙂 11 *NameStudent NameWhere applicable (leave n/a if student name is same as above)Student Birthday This information will help us find the right program for your child's age*Phone*Email*Postal Code*Instrument--- Select --- Beginner Music Courses: Apple Course (2 yr old) Music Wonderland (3 yr old) Junior Music Course (4-5 yr old) Young Musicians Course (6-8 yr old) Piano Club (8-10 yr old) Music Friends (6-10 yr old) Piano Start (13 and up) Popular Music Course (6 and up) Private/Group Lessons for any age: Piano Keyboard Guitar Ukulele Drums Violin Cello Voice Flute Clarinet Saxophone*Message *How did you hear about us?--- Select ---Friends and FamilyWeb SearchGoogle MapsFacebookInstagramWeChatFLATODT MarkhamDTM SPECIAL Yamaha MotorsYamaha CanadaMagazineFlyer*I agree that the use of the information I provide to Yamaha will be governed by the terms of Yamaha's Privacy Policy, which I have read and understand.I agreeRead our Privacy Policy.Submit